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Few updates to SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ITK

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:21.9-SeedMakerCuts2 into 21.9

Original MR !32282 (closed) by @ncalace updated to avoid conflicts introduced by earlier merge.

  • Removing hard-coded value for the maximum radius for seeding
  • Defining the proper cut for the maximum radius for seeding in the configured cuts
  • Tuning one seeding parameter (ported from 20.20... still :( )

Small changes are seen in the statistic tables on 50 ttbar events with pileup (mu=200) for the SiSPSeededSLHCTracks, while no changes are seen on ResolvedSLHCTracks. One small point is that these samples have still the HepMcParticle link problem, so not really reliable for pileup tracks (I guess).

|        eta bins for eta dependent variables = [0.0, 2.0, 2.6, 4.0]                |
|                                  pT [MeV]  >= 900.00                              |
|                    |rapidity|              <=      4.00000                        |
|                    max vertex radius       <=     20.00000 mm                     |
|                    min vertex radius       >=      0.00000 mm                     |
|   eta dependent number of silicon clusters >= [ 9,  8,  7]                        |
|                    number  space    points >=            3                        |

w/o these changes:

|                      Statistic for SiSPSeededSLHCTracks                           |
| Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) =   0.92152 (  0.86031 )        |
|                             For barrel     region =   0.93890 (  0.87631 )        |
|                             For transition region =   0.93786 (  0.85943 )        |
|                             For endcap     region =   0.87884 (  0.81805 )        |
|                             For forward    region =   0.91769 (  0.87479 )        |
|                      Statistic for ResolvedSLHCTracks                             |
| Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) =   0.90582 (  0.84565 )        |
|                             For barrel     region =   0.92255 (  0.86104 )        |
|                             For transition region =   0.92621 (  0.84875 )        |
|                             For endcap     region =   0.86107 (  0.80150 )        |
|                             For forward    region =   0.90193 (  0.85977 )        |

including these changes:

|                      Statistic for SiSPSeededSLHCTracks                           |
| Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) =   0.92117 (  0.85998 )        |
|                             For barrel     region =   0.93890 (  0.87631 )        |
|                             For transition region =   0.93786 (  0.85943 )        |
|                             For endcap     region =   0.87884 (  0.81805 )        |
|                             For forward    region =   0.91594 (  0.87312 )        |
|                      Statistic for ResolvedSLHCTracks                             |
| Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) =   0.90582 (  0.84565 )        |
|                             For barrel     region =   0.92255 (  0.86104 )        |
|                             For transition region =   0.92621 (  0.84875 )        |
|                             For endcap     region =   0.86107 (  0.80150 )        |
|                             For forward    region =   0.90193 (  0.85977 )        |

FYI: @nstyles, @tstreble, @npetters, @goblirsc

Edited by Nicholas Styles

Merge request reports
