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L1Config updates for L1Calo and L1Topo

Joerg Stelzer requested to merge stelzer/athena:master-FinalizeL1Config into master

After feedback from L1Calo and L1Topo

  • Access to list of eta-dependent threshold values (L1Calo)
  • Multiplicity TopoAlgo class type added to json file (L1Topo)
  • Threshold values and ptMinToTopo stored internally in MeV as unsigned int
  • Access methods in MeV, GeV (float), and counts (using energyResolution)
  • Change "emscale" and "jetscale" to "resolutionMeV" in the menu and C++ sw
  • Added eta-dependend pTMinToTopo to jFEX jets
  • Fix EM*V thresholds in the menu such that the eta-ranges and thrvalues match Run 2
  • Some cleanup of and to reduce dependence on menu version
  • Added XS definition in menu and access software
  • Added L1Calo specific base class for L1Thresholds (many commonalities between L1Calo thresholds that don't apply to L1Muon thresholds)
  • Change RangeValue from struct to class with proper access functions to member variables
  • Restructur of upload() member function to avoid calling virtual methods in constructor
  • FIX BUG: access to TopoAlgs by output is working now

cc @landon @hillier @cmorenom @asonay

Edited by Joerg Stelzer

Merge request reports
