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AnalysisTop: complete restructuring of truth origin options for soft muons; adding printout of shoewring algorithm

Marco Vanadia requested to merge mvanadia/athena:21.2-SMToriginFixAT into 21.2

MR to solve several problems related to the soft muon truth origin in AnalysisTop.

The general feature of saving the showring algorithm of the sample in the TopConfig object is added, it can be retrieved with SampleXsection::showering getShoweringAlgorithm(); also a printout in human language of the PS algorithm used for b-tagging MC/MC SFs is added in top-xaod (this required a minor change in TopDataPreparation).

The following changes for SoftMuons are done: -the call to the function filling truth origin informations have been moved from SoftMuonObjectCollectionMaker.cxx to TopObjectSelection.cxx, so only soft muons passing the selection are decorated, to save time; -the flags keeping the info for the origin of the soft muon have been significanlty revisited in TopEvent/EventTools.h; -the actual code retrieving truth information in PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopParticleLevel/Root/TruthTools.cxx has been completely rewritten, to solve several problems, related to how decorations where added to the muons and to how the truth record was read in some specific cases. -the description of the config options SoftMuonAdditionalTruthInfo and SoftMuonAdditionalTruthInfoCheckPartonOrigin has been updated to stress these must be considerd as experimental.

CC @jshinner @lmarcocc

Edited by Marco Vanadia

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