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Remove the package TrigDetCalib

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:cleanup-trigdetcalib into master

Further clean-up of obsolete Run-2 Trigger code (ATR-19150).

The package TrigDetCalib contained Run-2 code related to Partial Event Building, Data Scouting, etc. This is replaced in the new Run-3 Trigger by the package TrigPartialEventBuilding.

TrigDetCalib is referenced only in dead code in the legacy TriggerMenu package, not running in any maintained workflow with one exception - a single beamspot PEB chain in the v7 Primaries menu. In order to proceed with this clean-up, I removed just the "peb" part from the chain in the primaries menu. All the dead code in TriggerMenu will be cleaned up at a later stage.

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
