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Add HadronGhostTruthLabelID and HadronGhostExtendedTruthLabelID

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/athena:add-ghost-labels into 21.2

The flavor tagging group recommends HadronConeExclTruthLabelID as a flavor label when applying scale factors. The algorithm which applies this label is based on tracks associated to jets via a cone that shrinks as jet pt grows. There is also a HadronConeExtendedTruthLabelID variable that provides more information about double heavy hadron decays.

This merge request adds HadronGhostTruthLabelID and HadronGhostExtendedTruthLabelID which follow the same logic but uses ghost association rather than cone association. These labels might be a better indicator of the underlying physics in dense environments, or at least a complementary indicator.

The ghost labeling algorithm has fewer parameters, so adding it as a switch in the cone labeling tool didn't really make sense. Instead I've added it as a separate tool. Where possible I moved common code into a common file. No currently used interfaces change with this merge request.

Edited by Dan Guest

Merge request reports
