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Update packages:JetRecTools from upstream/21.2 to upstream/master via pseudo-merge

I think this will need plenty of checking, but I attempted to move all changes in JetRecTools from 21.2 to master.

Besides conflict resolution, I made a few other changes for code clarity:

  • * in combination of boolean conditions to &&
  • Removing some commented code and excessive whitespace
  • Removing some unnecessary typedefs
  • Changed checks of PFO::charge value to use PFO::isCharged

As discussed on ATLASG-1417, the workaround for the CS bug has been removed, as has the set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom call, vis-a-vis ATLASRECTS-5525.

It would be really helpful if a few others who've worked on this package in the last while could have a look and make sure I haven't mangled their code, notably @pberta, @jveatch, @jroloff, @cyoung, @cdelitzs, @ccaminch, @delsart, @inomidis. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
