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Add bad muon veto mimic to MuonSelectionTool

We recently introduced dedicated "ad-hoc" smearing to match the resolution of 2-station muons selected by the high-pT working point to that observed in MC samples including detector misalignments. This is enabled in the MuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool via the property "do2StationsHighPt". This introduces a too large tail when muons are required to pass the bad muon veto associated with the high-pT selection, since this cut effectively reduces the tail of mismeasured muons in the misaligned MC, an effect which is not reproduced in the perfectly aligned MC when large smearing is applied.

This MR introduces an option, "DoBadMuonVetoMimic", to cut off the far tails in the smeared MC, essentially "mimicking" the effect of the bad muon veto to first order.

Edited by Magnar Kopangen Bugge

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