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ATLIDTRKCP-265 Tuning of back-tracking

Attempting to tune back-tracking to improve the performance for higher pile-up environments. Still a WIP until we get some feedback from egamma. Further details are discussed in slides from the ID SW meeting 6/7-2020

  • Implementing a calo-seeded step for the Si-backwards extensions to only use SP found on modules in the calo-RoI. This reduces the CPU time by 50% at mu80.
  • Increase a hardcoded cut on the TRT segment pT cut from 300 to 3000 to better match the requirement on the calo RoI (4500 MeV). This reduces the CPU of the TRTSegmentFinder by ~30%
  • Increase the number of TRT hits required on segments from 9 to 15 earlier in the chain
  • Increase the calo RoI from 4500 MeV to 6000 MeV

FYI: @christos, @goblirsc, @sroe, @dboerner, @jpoveda, @jmaurer

Note: The TRT_ExtensionTool_xk code could need a look over how it handles member variables but this should be done in a new MR

Edited by Nora Emilia Pettersson

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