TrigL1CaloUpgrade: eFEX egamma update
Updates to e/gamma algorithm (or any other based in TrigT1CaloBaseFex)
- update seeding algorithm to match firmware
- unlikely user will see any effect
- update handling of regions with unusual supercell geometry
(1.4-1.5, 1.8-2.0, 2.4-2.5)
- some visible changes in all algorithm aspects around barrel-endcap transition
- visible changes in L1Width in regions 1.8-2.0, 2.4-2.5
- RetaL12 will also change for |eta|>2.3
- update L1Width with integer weights and special handling of 1.8-2.0 region
- large change in scale of variable
- 1.8-2.0 no longer has narrower distribution than the norm (as does not use finer granularity than will be available in reality)
- update RHad algorithm to match the clusters used in the firmware
- modest changes in values
For reference, here is a summary:
Edited by Ben Carlson