Add truth jet labels and save truth jet moments selectively: ATLMCPROD-8646
On ATLMCPROD-8646, we were discussing the exact truth labelling branches that should be attached to truth jets created in EVGEN for generator filters.
Apparently in 21.6 we can't use wildcards with a selected branch list? So I hardcoded the AntiKt4TruthJets and AntiKt6TruthJets collections for now, but this could obviously be made more comprehensive and/or more intelligent.
The old JOs were trying to write out both TruthLabelID
and PartonTruthLabelID
. If memory serves, we phased out the former entirely, so I only added PartonTruthLabelID
. I don't think this is what FTAG uses, though -- they use various *ConeTruthLabelID
, so we may want to ask.
@ewelina, @cohm, @dgillber FYI. We can tag others if we want their input.