B-physics migration of the HLT_3mu6_bDimu_L13MU6 like triggers to AthenaMT (ATR-22223)
- The following 3mu/4mu B-physics triggers from ATR-20049 have been added to the LS2_v1 menu:
- HLT_3mu4_bJpsi_L13MU4
- HLT_3mu4_bUpsi_L13MU4
- HLT_3mu4_bTau_L13MU4
- HLT_3mu4_bPhi_L13MU4
- HLT_mu6_2mu4_bDimu2700_L1MU6_3MU4
- HLT_mu6_2mu4_bDimu6000_L1MU6_3MU4
- HLT_3mu6_bDimu_L13MU6
- HLT_4mu4_bDimu6000_L14MU4
The default ComboHypoTool is used at the step4 (muEFCB) to check the number of muons is sufficient to fire the BLS trigger. The BLS related code has been moved to the 'dimuSequence' (step5), which takes care the two muon from the previous step could be fitted to the common vertex. Triggers with asymmetric legs (like HLT_mu6_2mu4_bDimu_L1MU6_3MU4) are treated in a specific way: all possible combinations of the legs are checked, i.e. {leg0, leg1}, {leg0, leg2}, {leg1, leg0}, {leg1, leg2}, {leg2, leg0}, {leg2, leg1}.
There is no more additional selection pT for muons in BLS code. We use EFCB muons previously selected by muon sequences.
Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin