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Update packages:TauAnalysisTools from upstream/21.2 to upstream/master via pseudo-merge (ATLTAU-1727)

Migrating R21.2 TauTruthMatchingTool to R22, including other changes in TauAnalysisTools:

  • Updates to HelperFunctions including functions used in 2019-summer recommendations.
  • TauTruthMathcingTool: getTruthParticleType function moved to using R21.2 HelperFunctions version
  • TauTauTrackTruthMatchingTool checked for consistency with R21.2.
  • BuildTruthTaus is in tauRecTools (21.2) and TauAnalysisTools (master), checked for consistency and no changes needed.
  • DiTauTruthMatchingTools to be migrated at a later stage.
Edited by Guillermo Nicolas Hamity

Merge request reports
