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Federica Piazza requested to merge piazza/athena:GPF-MET-fin into master

This MR affects METReconstruction and METUtilities.

In METReconstruction/METEgammaAssociator, links between PFO and egamma are implemented in the association Map. The association can be done either in the standard way (extractPFOs function) or using links (extractPFOsWithLinks function), depending on the flags usePFOPhotonLinks and usePFOElectronLinks, which are now set to False by default. Some initial setup towards using FlowElements links are included (also in METTau/MuonAssociator), but an "extractFEWithLinks" function has still not been implemented.

A new ORMETMakerAlg has been added in METUtilities, together with METReconstruction/ This can be used for a MET reconstruction with JetTerm based on a new jet collection, with jets reconstructed including only PFOs not associated to other physical objects selected in MET. For this purpose, new functions (retrieveOverlapRemovedConstituents) is also added in the METMaker.

Merge request reports