Migrate LongLivedParticleDPDMaker to R22
This MR will migrate LongLivedParticleDPDMaker to R22 and add the relevant changes from 21p0 which were not swept to master before.
A validation test with 10k events was performed and results are here: https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/o1To0wjUoyCCtIG
All filters are working with the changes in this MR. There are some significant rate differences compared to R21p0 which still need to be understood.
Log files for the tests are located here: /afs/cern.ch/work/e/emily/public/validation_Feb15/ . There are a quite a few muon-related warnings when running with the master branch, and the muon software experts (@nkoehler, @rosati and @jojungge) have been informed.
Thanks to @goetz and @mhodgkin for your help with this.
Tagging @aroepe, @kpachal, @jmontejo, @calpigia, and @mdanning for info.