Hit-based displaced vertex implementation (ATR-19322)
MR for hit-based displaced vertex implementation
- JIRA: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-19322
- Added hit-based DV in FastTrackFinder (FTF)
- A property ("doJseedHitDV") to switch on/off hit-based DV
- Seed directions taken from L1_J30 RoIs
- Collects space-points (dR<0.6 from seeds) and tracks (dR<1.0 from seeds), and association between them (whether the space point is used by track). Some quality cuts are applied to tracks.
- Fills 3 new EDMs to pass the following hypo (which is not yet implemented in this MR)
- The new EDMs are added in TrigEDM
- A timer to measure timing for this hit-based DV finding
- With handful test events of MC ttbar, the timing and EDM size were
- Timing: ~45 ms average
- EDM size: ~45 kb/event