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porting DiTauMassTools from R21.2 to R22 (v2)

Antonio De Maria requested to merge fix_mmc_merge_conflict into master

Migration step:

  • copy latest missing mass tool code version from 21.2 branch
  • adapt CMake file
  • compile and solve all warnings ( almost all due to "warning: ATLAS coding standards require that the name of private non-static member 'DiTauMassTools::myclass::myvariable' start with 'm_'")

Running successfully locally through "ctest -VR DiTauMassTools" test.

pinging @qbuat, @martindl, @ghamity and @lheinric

This MR is copy/paste + solve MR conflict reported in:

!39521 (closed)

For the reviewers:

so I tried to follow as much as possible the suggestions from the reviewers in !39521 (closed) but there are two things to keep in mind:

  1. the code is monolithic block, so there is good possibility to introduce a bug while improving code style and it will be really hard later to trace back an error
  2. as it is right now, this package contains two versions of the same algorithm so there is lot of duplicated code which eventually need to be phased out

For the migration, would prefer to keep the code changes as minimal as possible so we could do first a validation on large scale ntuple production and then we can start cleaning

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
