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WIP:Ckirfel wip branch

Christian Kirfel requested to merge ckirfel/athena:ckirfel_wip_branch into master

This is a WIP commit.

I am trying to add a class to JetMonitoring to use in I wrote the C++ file and the header in parallel to JetKinematicHistos.cxx and JetKinematicHistos.h I saved in athena/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMonitoring/Root and in athena/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMonitoring/JetMonitoring/ respectively.

In I tried to import the package doing:

from JetMonitoring.JetMonitoringConf import JetAttributeHisto, HistoDefinitionTool, JetMonitoringTool, JetKinematicHistos, JetContainerHistoFiller, JetSubStructureHisto

(JetSubStructureHisto is the new class)

The relevant changes should be in athena/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMonitoring/Root/JetSubStructureHisto.cxx and athena/Reconstruction/Jet/JetMonitoring/JetMonitoring/JetSubStructureHisto.h.

I run by:

asetup (2021-01-11T2101 confirmed working tag) cmake -DATLAS_PACKAGE_FILTER_FILE=../package_filters.txt ../athena/Projects/WorkDir make -j4 source x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/ --inputAODFile /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/perf-jets/validation/ --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile physval.root --validationFlags doJet --valid=False

I get the error

PhysicsValidation 11:32:35 ImportError: cannot import name 'JetSubStructureHistos' from 'JetMonitoring.JetMonitoringConf' (/afs/

I assume this is a very obvious mistake in importing a class but I do not understand where I could fix this.

Merge request reports