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Fixes WARNING Failed merging new config value

Edward Moyse requested to merge emoyse/athena:fixes-for-InDetConfig into master

With these changes, the previous Failed merging errors:

  17966 (InDet::InDetBoundaryCheckTool/InDetBoundaryCheckTool)
  53898 (InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelper)
  17966 (PixelDCSCondStateAlg/PixelDCSCondStateAlg)
  17966 (PixelDCSCondStatusAlg/PixelDCSCondStatusAlg)
  17966 (PixelDeadMapCondAlg/PixelDeadMapCondAlg)
   8983 (TileBadChanTool/TileBadChanTool)
   8983 (Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator)

reduce to these two:

bash-4.2$ grep "WARNING Failed merging new config value" log.RAWtoALL 
Py:conf2toConfigurable WARNING Failed merging new config value (/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE) and old config value (ConditionStore+) for (ReadKeyState) property of PixelDCSCondStateAlg/PixelDCSCondStateAlg (PixelDCSCondStateAlg/PixelDCSCondStateAlg) old (new). Will take value from NEW configuration, but this should be checked!
Py:conf2toConfigurable WARNING Failed merging new config value (/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS) and old config value (ConditionStore+) for (ReadKeyStatus) property of PixelDCSCondStatusAlg/PixelDCSCondStatusAlg (PixelDCSCondStatusAlg/PixelDCSCondStatusAlg) old (new). Will take value from NEW configuration, but this should be checked!

These need an expert to look into them.

For the ones this MR fixes, there are two types - real ones, from incompletely setup new configuration, and false positives due to GaudiConf2 reporting DataHandle values differently.

Ping: @tadej @wlampl @goetz @elmsheus

Edited by Edward Moyse

Merge request reports
