From b22b9b48be90bee0bfb5b26b62ccecb093318faf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noemi Calace <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 15:20:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Adding HGTD detector element to detector manager for
 three-ring layout

 .../HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx            | 8 +++-----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
index a50b49cfd07e..e1292cb01d5e 100644
--- a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
+++ b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
@@ -626,11 +626,9 @@ GeoVPhysVol* HGTD_DetectorFactory::build( const GeoLogVol* logicalEnvelope, bool
 				ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " HGTD Module: " << m_boxVolPars[c].name+module_string << ", posX: " << myx 
 					      << ", posY: " << myy << ", rot: " << quadrot + myrot );
-                            if (m_geomVersion == 0) { // for now identifiers do not support 3-ring layout, protecting this part for testing purposes /CO
-                                InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement* detElement = new InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement(idwafer, moduleDesign, sensorCompPhysicalVol, m_commonItems);
-                                m_detectorManager->addDetectorElement( detElement );
-                            }
+                            InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement* detElement = new InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement(idwafer, moduleDesign, sensorCompPhysicalVol, m_commonItems);
+                            m_detectorManager->addDetectorElement( detElement );                            
                             HepGeom::Transform3D sensorTransform = HepGeom::TranslateZ3D(m_boxVolPars[c].zOffsetLocal)*HepGeom::TranslateX3D(xOffsetLocal);
                             GeoAlignableTransform* xform = new GeoAlignableTransform(sensorTransform);

From b71e0c297c5d4fbe26821f8aedcc1f8f3e7e13a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noemi Calace <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 18:48:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Correcting axis in HGTD_ModuleDesign class constructor

 .../src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx              | 42 ++++++++++---------
 .../HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ModuleDesign.h  |  4 +-
 .../src/HGTD_ModuleDesign.cxx                 |  8 ++--
 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
index e1292cb01d5e..2c3e2bd459c2 100644
--- a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
+++ b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_GeoModel/src/HGTD_DetectorFactory.cxx
@@ -571,8 +571,7 @@ GeoVPhysVol* HGTD_DetectorFactory::build( const GeoLogVol* logicalEnvelope, bool
                     std::string module_string = formModuleName( layer, q, maxRows, row, mod, module, myx, myy, myrot, myphi, myeta );
                     if ( module_string == "" || myrot == -9999999.9 || myeta == -1 )
-		        ATH_MSG_WARNING ( " Please check the module at layer "<< layer <<" quadrant " << q
-					  <<" row "<< row <<" mod " << mod <<" not well retrieved ! " );
+                      ATH_MSG_WARNING ( " Please check the module at layer "<< layer <<" quadrant " << q <<" row "<< row <<" mod " << mod <<" not well retrieved ! " );
                     //  an hgtd module  defined in the form of  ( X, Y, Z )
                     GeoBox* moduleSolid            = new GeoBox( moduleHalfWidth, moduleHalfHeight, modulePackageHalfZ);
@@ -581,7 +580,7 @@ GeoVPhysVol* HGTD_DetectorFactory::build( const GeoLogVol* logicalEnvelope, bool
                     // print out one module per layer
                     if ( q == 0 && row == 0 && mod == 0 )
-		        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Will now build up an individual HGTD module of layer " << layer << " and quadrant " << q << " (" << module_string << ")" );
+                      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Will now build up an individual HGTD module of layer " << layer << " and quadrant " << q << " (" << module_string << ")" );
                     // loop over components in module
                     for (size_t comp = 0; comp < volumes.size(); comp++) {
@@ -620,11 +619,10 @@ GeoVPhysVol* HGTD_DetectorFactory::build( const GeoLogVol* logicalEnvelope, bool
                             // print only the first and last module of each row in the first quadrant
                             if ( q == 0 && ( mod == 0 || mod == ( ModsPerRow.size() - 1 ) ) && !m_outputIdfr ) {
-			        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "  waferHash :  " << hgtdId->wafer_hash( idwafer )
-					      << " upon HGTD_ID =>  ec: " << endcap << ", layer: " << layer << ", quadrant: " << q
-					      << ", row: " << myphi <<", module: "<< myeta );
-				ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " HGTD Module: " << m_boxVolPars[c].name+module_string << ", posX: " << myx 
-					      << ", posY: " << myy << ", rot: " << quadrot + myrot );
+                              ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "  waferHash :  " << hgtdId->wafer_hash( idwafer )
+                              << " upon HGTD_ID =>  ec: " << endcap << ", layer: " << layer << ", quadrant: " << q
+                              << ", row: " << myphi <<", module: "<< myeta );
+                              ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " HGTD Module: " << m_boxVolPars[c].name+module_string << ", posX: " << myx << ", posY: " << myy << ", rot: " << quadrot + myrot );
                             InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement* detElement = new InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElement(idwafer, moduleDesign, sensorCompPhysicalVol, m_commonItems);
@@ -645,11 +643,11 @@ GeoVPhysVol* HGTD_DetectorFactory::build( const GeoLogVol* logicalEnvelope, bool
                         // print out each module component
                         if ( mod == 0 && q == 0 && volumes[comp] != sensorName )
-			    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setw(20) << m_boxVolPars[c].name << " ( " << std::setw(15) << m_boxVolPars[c].material
-					   << " ), in-sensor-layer local z = " << std::setw(7) << m_boxVolPars[c].zOffsetLocal << " mm"
-					   << ", DX = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].xHalf << " mm"
-					   << ", DY = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].yHalf << " mm"
-					   << ", DZ = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].zHalf << " mm" );
+                          ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setw(20) << m_boxVolPars[c].name << " ( " << std::setw(15) << m_boxVolPars[c].material
+                          << " ), in-sensor-layer local z = " << std::setw(7) << m_boxVolPars[c].zOffsetLocal << " mm"
+                          << ", DX = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].xHalf << " mm"
+                          << ", DY = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].yHalf << " mm"
+                          << ", DZ = " << std::setw(5) << m_boxVolPars[c].zHalf << " mm" );
                     } // end of components loop
                     double zModule = ( Lside == 0 ? zModuleLayerF : zModuleLayerB );
@@ -710,8 +708,8 @@ std::array< PositionsInQuadrant, 4 > HGTD_DetectorFactory::prepareLayersFromQuad
 // backward compatibility to pre-TDR two-ring layouts
 // 3-ring layout differ from 2-ring here.
 std::string HGTD_DetectorFactory::formModuleName( int layer, int quadrant, unsigned int maxrows, int row, int mod,
-						  ModulePosition module,
-						  double& myx, double& myy, double& myrot, int& phi, int& eta ) {
+                                                  ModulePosition module,
+                                                  double& myx, double& myy, double& myrot, int& phi, int& eta ) {
     std::string module_string = "";
@@ -922,9 +920,9 @@ std::vector< ModulePosition > HGTD_DetectorFactory::prepareModulePositionsInRowT
     // the spreadsheet gave the center of bottom edge of a module, so an adjustment by halfHeight is needed
     if ( m_outputIdfr ) ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Row " << ( row <= index_XYcoord_change ? effectiveRow + 1 : 36 - row ) 
-				       << " Module " << moduleCounter + 1 <<" at (x,y) : " 
-				       << ( row > index_XYcoord_change ? rowModulePositions.back().x - halfHeight : rowModulePositions.back().x ) << ", "
-				       << ( row > index_XYcoord_change ? rowModulePositions.back().y : rowModulePositions.back().y - halfHeight ) );
+      << " Module " << moduleCounter + 1 <<" at (x,y) : " 
+      << ( row > index_XYcoord_change ? rowModulePositions.back().x - halfHeight : rowModulePositions.back().x ) << ", "
+      << ( row > index_XYcoord_change ? rowModulePositions.back().y : rowModulePositions.back().y - halfHeight ) );
     posOfLastPlacedModule = modPos_row;
     moduleCounter ++;
@@ -982,13 +980,17 @@ InDetDD::HGTD_ModuleDesign* HGTD_DetectorFactory::createHgtdDesign( double thick
                                                                           normalCell, diodeColumnsPerCircuit, 0);
     InDetDD::PixelDiodeMatrix* fullMatrix = new InDetDD::PixelDiodeMatrix(InDetDD::PixelDiodeMatrix::phiDir, 0,
                                                                           singleRow, 2*diodeRowsPerCircuit, 0); // note 30 = 2*15 rows adopted
+    DetectorDesign::Axis yDirection = InDetDD::DetectorDesign::xAxis;
+    if (m_geomVersion == 0 )
+      yDirection = InDetDD::DetectorDesign::yAxis;
     InDetDD::HGTD_ModuleDesign* design = new InDetDD::HGTD_ModuleDesign(thickness,
                                                                         circuitsPerColumn, circuitsPerRow,
                                                                         cellColumnsPerCircuit, cellRowsPerCircuit,
                                                                         diodeColumnsPerCircuit, diodeRowsPerCircuit,
-                                                                        InDetDD::CarrierType::electrons, 1 );
+                                                                        InDetDD::CarrierType::electrons, 1, yDirection );
     return design;
diff --git a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ModuleDesign.h b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ModuleDesign.h
index 902aeee4abce..0dc5b38e379f 100644
--- a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ModuleDesign.h
+++ b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/HGTD_ModuleDesign.h
@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ public:
                       const int diodeRowsPerCircuit,
                       const InDetDD::PixelDiodeMatrix * matrix,
                       InDetDD::CarrierType carrierType,
-                      int readoutSide);
+                      int readoutSide,
+                      DetectorDesign::Axis yDirection = InDetDD::DetectorDesign::xAxis,
+                      DetectorDesign::Axis depthDirection = InDetDD::DetectorDesign::zAxis);
     // Destructor:
     virtual ~HGTD_ModuleDesign();
diff --git a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/src/HGTD_ModuleDesign.cxx b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/src/HGTD_ModuleDesign.cxx
index fcb55a64bfeb..01e69de41bdf 100644
--- a/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/src/HGTD_ModuleDesign.cxx
+++ b/HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_DetDescr/HGTD_ReadoutGeometry/src/HGTD_ModuleDesign.cxx
@@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ HGTD_ModuleDesign::HGTD_ModuleDesign(const double thickness,
                                      const int diodeRowsPerCircuit,
                                      const PixelDiodeMatrix * matrix,
                                      InDetDD::CarrierType carrierType,
-                                     int readoutSide):
+                                     int readoutSide,
+                                     DetectorDesign::Axis yDirection,
+                                     DetectorDesign::Axis depthDirection):
                    true, true, true, // phi,eta,depth axes symmetric
-                   InDetDD::DetectorDesign::yAxis,
-                   InDetDD::DetectorDesign::zAxis),
+                   yDirection,
+                   depthDirection),

From dd8137891c0d72eed5c7b957ef8fdf2ae02f8ce1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noemi Calace <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 17:53:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Allowing SiHitAnalysis to handle HGTD_Hits

 .../share/        |  8 +++++
 .../Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.cxx   | 30 ++++++++++++++-----
 .../Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.h     |  1 +
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
index 64077d9fe920..ed4f392938b7 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ if InDetGeometryFlags.isSLHC():
 topSequence.PixelHitAnalysis.ExpertMode= "off"
 topSequence.SCTHitAnalysis.ExpertMode= "off"
+from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
+if DetFlags.HGTD_on():
+  topSequence += SiHitAnalysis('HGTDHitAnalysis')
+  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.CollectionName='HGTD_Hits'
+  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.HistPath='/SiHitAnalysis/'
+  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.isITK = True
+  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.ExpertMode= "off"
 if not hasattr(ServiceMgr, 'THistSvc'):
     from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
     ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
diff --git a/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.cxx b/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.cxx
index 2951ccff02ea..98772e840677 100644
--- a/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.cxx
@@ -51,12 +51,14 @@ SiHitAnalysis::SiHitAnalysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
    , m_path("/SiHitAnalysis/")
    , m_thistSvc("THistSvc", name)
    , m_isITK(false)
+   , m_isHGTD(false)
   declareProperty("CollectionName",  m_collection="BCMHits");
   declareProperty("ExpertMode", m_expert = "off");
   declareProperty("NtupleFileName", m_ntupleFileName);
   declareProperty("HistPath", m_path);
   declareProperty("isITK", m_isITK);
+  declareProperty("isHGTD", m_isHGTD);
 StatusCode SiHitAnalysis::initialize() {
@@ -81,6 +83,10 @@ StatusCode SiHitAnalysis::initialize() {
     detName = "BLM";
     ntupName = "SiBLM";
+  else if (m_collection=="HGTD_Hits") {
+    detName = "HGTD";
+    ntupName = "SiHGTD";
+  }
   else {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR("SiHitsAnalysis for "<< name()<<"not supported!!! \n");
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
@@ -109,7 +115,16 @@ StatusCode SiHitAnalysis::initialize() {
       radius_up = 350;
       radius_down = 0; 
+  }  
+  if (m_isHGTD) {
+    bin_down = -1000;
+    bin_up = 1000;
+    radius_up = 1000;
+    radius_down = 350;
+    z_min = -3600;
+    z_max = 3600;
   else if (detName=="Pixel") {
     bin_down = -170;
     bin_up = 170;
@@ -216,6 +231,7 @@ StatusCode SiHitAnalysis::execute() {
     for (SiHitConstIterator i_hit = p_collection->begin(); i_hit != p_collection->end() ;++i_hit) {
       GeoSiHit ghit(*i_hit);
       HepGeom::Point3D<double> p = ghit.getGlobalPosition();
@@ -229,13 +245,13 @@ StatusCode SiHitAnalysis::execute() {
       if (m_expert == "on") {
-	m_h_time_eloss->Fill(i_hit->meanTime(), i_hit->energyLoss());
-	if (i_hit->getBarrelEndcap()==0) {
-	  m_h_z_eloss->Fill(p.z(), i_hit->energyLoss());
-	}
-	else {
-	  m_h_r_eloss->Fill(p.perp(), i_hit->energyLoss());
-	}
+        m_h_time_eloss->Fill(i_hit->meanTime(), i_hit->energyLoss());
+        if (i_hit->getBarrelEndcap()==0) {
+          m_h_z_eloss->Fill(p.z(), i_hit->energyLoss());
+        }
+        else {
+          m_h_r_eloss->Fill(p.perp(), i_hit->energyLoss());
+        }
diff --git a/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.h b/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.h
index effe3d909dbf..4b72efb8f5a0 100755
--- a/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.h
+++ b/Simulation/Tools/HitAnalysis/src/SiHitAnalysis.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class SiHitAnalysis : public AthAlgorithm {
    std::string m_path;
    ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc>  m_thistSvc;
    bool m_isITK;
+   bool m_isHGTD;

From 8a98c2503a473fa6376c663a9a21cfba0ea71c79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noemi Calace <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 17:58:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] fixing one flag

 .../InDetSLHC_Example/share/        | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
index ed4f392938b7..f8160494af34 100644
--- a/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example/share/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if DetFlags.HGTD_on():
   topSequence += SiHitAnalysis('HGTDHitAnalysis')
-  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.isITK = True
+  topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.isHGTD = True
   topSequence.HGTDHitAnalysis.ExpertMode= "off"
 if not hasattr(ServiceMgr, 'THistSvc'):