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Add HitAnalysis postInclude for ITk

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:master-hitvalid into master

Taking over from !41650 (closed)

Adds a PostInclude for running ITk HitAnalysis. Can be added as follows: \
--CA \
--inputEVNTFile "/cvmfs/" \
--outputHITSFile "test.NEW.HITS.pool.root" \
--maxEvents 1 \
--detectors ITkStrip ITkPixel Bpipe \
--geometryVersion 'default:ATLAS-P2-ITK-24-00-00' \
--conditionsTag 'default:OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-14' \
--DataRunNumber '284500' \
--physicsList 'FTFP_BERT_ATL' \
--truthStrategy 'MC15aPlus' \
--simulator 'FullG4MT' \
--postInclude 'HitAnalysis.ITkHitAnalysis' \
--preInclude 'SimuJobTransforms.BeamPipeKill,SimuJobTransforms.FrozenShowersFCalOnly,SimuJobTransforms.TightMuonStepping' \
--imf False

This could easily then be extended for other systems in a similar way.

cc @jchapman @tadej

Merge request reports