xAODCore AthAnalysis Dictionary Fix, master branch (2021.04.09.)
Updated xAODCore to only generate a dictionary for pair<string,vector<int> >
for AnalysisBase. Since it turns out AthAnalysis also provides AtlasSTLAddReflex, which comes with that dictionary itself.
This is a follow-up from !42155 (merged), which itself was a follow-up from !41646 (merged). And it addresses the issue described in ATEAM-729. (Which @christos also warned me about yesterday, I just didn't get to look at it then.) I.e. this one:
[bash][atlas]:build > athena.py -i
Fri Apr 9 09:30:08 CEST 2021
Preloading tcmalloc_minimal.so
Warning in <TInterpreter::ReadRootmapFile>: class __pair_base<string,vector<int> > found in libxAODCoreSTLDict.so is already in libAtlasSTLAddReflexDict.so
Warning in <TInterpreter::ReadRootmapFile>: class pair<string,vector<int> > found in libxAODCoreSTLDict.so is already in libAtlasSTLAddReflexDict.so
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Preparation.py"
This dictionary is just proving a lot harder to set up "just right" than I would've imagined...