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conf2toConfigurable: make public tools public (add to ToolSvc)

Fix a bug where public tools added by conf2toConfigurable were not actually public because they were not added to the ToolSvc. This led to the following errors:

  File "/atlas/datafiles/rbielski/ATR-22872-22.0.28/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/AthenaConfiguration/", line 1133, in conf2toConfigurable
    __areSettingsSame( existingConfigurable, comp )
  File "/atlas/datafiles/rbielski/ATR-22872-22.0.28/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/AthenaConfiguration/", line 1065, in __areSettingsSame
    alreadySetProperties[pname].append(klass( pubtoolname ))
  File "/sw/atlas/AthenaExternals/22.0.28/InstallArea/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/GaudiKernel/", line 200, in append
TypeError: Can not append IOVDbMetaDataTool (Private AlgTool) to a PublicToolHandleArray

as encountered in ATR-22872.

cc @wlampl, @tbold

Merge request reports
