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Tag many egamma, jet, bjet, muon & b-physics chains with primary group.

Many egamma, jet, bjet, muon & b-physics chains are now tagged with primary group.

Three primary groups now exist:

  • Primary:Legacy for any chain with a legacy L1 calo / topo L1 item.
  • Primary:PhaseI for any chain with a phase-1 L1 calo / topo L1 item.
  • Primary:L1Muon for any chain with only L1 muon in the L1 item.

I also fixed one large-R jet chain from HLT_j460_a10t_lcw_jes_30smcINF_L1J100 to HLT_j420_a10t_lcw_jes_35smcINF_L1J100.

Edited by Mark Andrew Owen

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