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Bring FATRAS conversion child energy sharing code in-line with GEANT4

Liza Mijovic requested to merge lmijovic/athena:master-fatras-conversions into master

Bug-fixes to FATRAS photon conversion, discussed and approved at FastChain meeting (

  • Bring the conversion child energy sharing code in-line with GEANT4: fix energy sharing cross-section function and sampling formulas. The bug-fixes correspond to GEANT4 implementation (and are in-line with ACTS-fatras)
  • Set m_childEnergyScaleFactor default to 1: modelling improved after bug-fixes above, SF of 2 no longer required. As SF=1 corresponds to GEANT4 behavior, we choose this as the default.

Test run on 10 single-photon events: /afs/

tagging @pagacova @golling

Edited by Liza Mijovic

Merge request reports
