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fixing tracktwo chains in Physics menu

Antonio De Maria requested to merge fix_medium1tracktwo_physicsmenu into master

following up from :

!42897 (merged)

substitute "mediumRNN_tracktwo" -> "medium1_tracktwo".

"mediumRNN_tracktwo" is ill defined combination since RNN TauID should work properly only on "mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA" (already used for data taking in late 2018) and "mediumRNN_tracktwoMVABDT" (will be default for Run3).

"medium1_tracktwo" combination was already used for data taking in 2015-2017 period

Note 1: this is just a backup solution and further developments will be followed up on dedicated JIRA Note 2: although references have been updated, still triggers with "medium1_tracktwo" shows 0 counts but this we see events passing the different steps

pinging @dzanzi, @iriu and @carquin

Merge request reports
