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Update the PFO muon removal option to 'Calo' by default

Jon Burr requested to merge jburr/athena:SwitchToCalo into master

Following the studies of the new PFO-muon removal options for the jet and MET slices, we want to change the default option used to "Calo". This means that tracks that get tagged by the muon group's calo-tagging tools are not used to reconstruct PFOs. This was agreed upon as the best option by the jet and MET groups, and the b-jet coordinators confirmed that this should not negatively impact their triggers.

The changes to the reference all look reasonable.

Tagging @bcarlson, @valentem, @jbossios, @dguest, @cpollard, @khoo, @dzanzi, @markowen for information.

Merge request reports
