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Add fast photon cuts

Fernando Monticelli requested to merge fernando/athena:AddFastPhotonCuts into master

This is following ATR-23387: Incorporate Run-2 fast photon selection that is running in threshold, and has optimized (old optimization) cuts for showershapes for each eta bin, and for each identification working point.

This MR includes:

  • Fixed the Always NoCut applied in TrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoTool
  • Updated the logic in TrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoTool: the compile class checks whether to configure etcut, nocut or nominal selection
  • Fixed bug on cuts: cuts where appliede the other way around
  • Moved some INFO msgs to DEBUG (like printing out if a cut passed or not)
  • old L2CutsDef was moved to
  • TrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoTool configured with cuts defined in TrigEgammaFastCutDefs
  • Changed L1 seed of HLT_g35* from L1EM15VH to primary L1EM22VHI so photon trigger tests on EB has no prescale at L1
Edited by Fernando Monticelli

Merge request reports
