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tauRecTools: Round2 preliminary MVA TES


This MR deploys a first retuning of MVA tau energy scale calibration derived on R22 Round2 MC preproduction (ATLTAU-1739). This won't be the final tune, as we need to tune 2 intermediate TES calibration upstream before getting the final MVA TES tune. But we need a close-to-final baseline for xAOD size studies, and it will also be helpful for other algorithm tunings that depend on MVA TES (e.g. RNN tau ID WPs). The variable names were updated to better reflect their definition.

For completeness:

  • training on 5M taus
  • EventInfoAux.eventNumber%2 == 0 && TauJetsAuxDyn.nTracks<6
  • NTrees=2500:BoostType=Grad:Shrinkage=0.1:UseBaggedBoost:BaggedSampleFraction=0.5:nCuts=250:MaxDepth=5

Cheers, Bertrand

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