Adding LLP tau chains to run3 menu - ATR-21754 "22jun"
Changing single and di tau thresholds for LLP chain and moving desired chains to run3 menu:
- HLT_tau180_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_L1TAU100
- HLT_tau80_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_tau60_tightRNN_tracktwoLLP_03dRAB_L1TAU60_2TAU40
Adding e+tau mu+tau tag and probe chains for those thresholds.
Based on threshold/working-point discussion from presentation in tau trigger meeting
Keeping backup chains in LS2_v1
- HLT_tau180_tightRNN_tracktwoLLP_L1TAU100
- HLT_tau200_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_L1TAU100
- HLT_tau80_tightRNN_tracktwoLLP_tight60_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_03dRAB_L1TAU60_2TAU40
- HLT_tau100_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_tau80_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_03dRAB_L1TAU60_2TAU40
Edited by Guillermo Nicolas Hamity