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Numerous trigger menu changes for July 15 signoff and menu cleanup

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TMMT-Jul15Updates into master

Various changes towards July 15 menu signoff and menu cleanup

  • Removed/corrected several testing variations of HH4b asymmetric triggers
  • Relabeled B-physics triggers for BphysDelayed stream and fixed some EOF/Primary mislabelling
  • Corrected low-pt diphoton chains to use dphi25 rather than dphi15 and removed unwanted low-pt diphoton with jet seed
  • Added photon, muon, jet+MET triggers for late stream LLP background estimates
  • Promoted primary single-threshold jet chains with loose (but non-trivial) preselection
  • Added MVABDT versions of lep+tau+XE, ditau+XE combined chains as primary, MVA as backup
  • Alias DIJET -> DJMASS for primary photon VBF chains
  • Relabel CEP triggers to PrimaryPhI
  • Other Primary/Support label and ChainGroup corrections
  • Added calo-only MET primary trigger as backup for tracking chains c.f. ATR-23740
Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
