Add B-physics dimuon and bmumux chains to LS2_v1 menu and fix groups in Physics_pp_run3_v1 (ATR-23576)
- HLT_2mu6_bJpsimumu_L12MU6 is removed Physics_pp_run3_v1, added to Physics menu by mistake; used in LS2_v1 for validation of 'l2io' Jpsimumul2io; HLT_2mu6_bJpsimumu_L1BPH-2M9-2DR15-2MU6 should be used instead
- move all HLT_2mu4_bXXX_L12MU4 back to LS2_v1; they should be used for ART and validation only; add HLT_2mu4 with L1Topo instead
- dimuon and bmumux chains marked in yellow in ATR-23576 is added to LS2_v1
- supplementary PEB triggers, temporarily commented out due to ATR-23615 to make ART test back for Bphysics slice
cc: @abarton