Add StoreGate WARNING pattern associated with direct access to errorRegex
Make these warnings:
StoreGateSvc WARNING Called retrieve() on these objects in a MT store
StoreGateSvc WARNING L1MUINT::MuCTPIToRoIBSLink/ [LVL1::L1TopoSimulation/L1LegacyTopoSimulation]
StoreGateSvc WARNING LVL1::eFEXOutputCollection/eFEXOutputCollection [LVL1::eFEXDriver/eFEXDriver]
StoreGateSvc WARNING LVL1::jFEXOutputCollection/jFEXOutputCollection [LVL1::jFEXDriver/jFEXDriver]
StoreGateSvc WARNING Called record() on these objects in a MT store
StoreGateSvc WARNING LVL1::eFEXOutputCollection/eFEXOutputCollection [LVL1::eFEXDriver/eFEXDriver]
StoreGateSvc WARNING LVL1::jFEXOutputCollection/jFEXOutputCollection [LVL1::jFEXDriver/jFEXDriver]
StoreGateSvc WARNING LVL1CTP::Lvl1Result/Lvl1Result [TrigDec::TrigDecisionMakerMT/TrigDecMakerMT]
fail trigger check_log. The specific cases shown above need to be fixed before this can be merged.
While direct SG access in new code should usually be picked up by review shifters, it's also possible for an algorithm to call a tool with direct SG access - no easy way to pick this up.
Edited by Stewart Martin-Haugh