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tauRecTools: fix RNN tau ID variable, deploy R22 eVeto


This MR is fixing the definition of the tau pt variable used in the RNN tau ID (ATLTAU-1741). The tau pt definition used in the R22 training is different from the definition currently used in tauRecTools for inference (still R21-style, where the tau pt was capped at a maximum value of 100 GeV). This is a bug fix, and only affects the RNN tau ID score for taus with pt > 100 GeV (TauJetsAux.RNNJetScore, TauJetsAux.RNNJetScoreSigTrans, and TauJetsAux.isTauFlags which encodes the RNN ID WPs), which was verified in standalone tau reconstruction from ESD (200 events). The "v0" json files of the RNN have been copied to "v1" then manually edited: "pt" has been replaced with "pt_tau_log" for the variable name, to use the proper definition.

Adding the urgent flag as we would like to have this in 22.0.41 for the reprocessing.

Tagging @jcardena : please shout if anything is incorrect! :-)

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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