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Addition of jTAU, cTAU and jJ thresholds (ATR-24012, ATR-21235)

Daniele Zanzi requested to merge dzanzi/athena:ATR-24012_dzanzi into master

This MR is a continuation of !45503 (merged) and !45505 (merged)

Addition of eEM, eTAU, jTAU, cTAU, jJ thresholds as presented in here, plus some modifications:

L1 Configuration:

  • Configuration of the new eTAU, jTAU and cTAU thresholds, including isolation configuration. At the moment, these are only defined in menu but not simulated in L1Calo/L1Topo.
    • eTAU: configuration for the isolation WPs based on the cone energy (Loose/Medium/Tight) using the isoConeRel variable and configuration of the hadronic threshold "H" for LLP based on fEM. These cuts can be eta-dependent, if needed, and a maxEt is defined, if needed
    • jTAU: added Loose/Medium/Tight WPs based on one isolation variable. Both float and FW values stored in json. This cut can be eta-dependent if needed and there is also a maxEt value stored, if needed.
    • cTAU (combined isolated eTAU+jTAU): configuration of the isolation cut with one parameter (possibly eta-dependent) and with a maxEt, if needed. This configuration needs to be confirmed by @jodamp based on L1Topo FW needs. Both float and FW values are stored in json
    • TODO next:
      • Setting of proper float and FW values. At the moment, only float values for proposed baseline cuts (@jmontejo ) are meaningful
      • Setting of proper values for ptMinToTopo
      • Simulation of isolation cuts in L1Calo/L1Topo
      • HLT seeding (tagging @rbielski)
  • Configuration of jJ thresholds:
    • ptMinToTopo can be eta-dependent if needed
    • jJ extra info: removal of small/large parameters since we now distinguish small and large jets as different threshold types (jJ and jLJ). Methods ptMinToTopoSmallMeV() and ptMinToTopoLargeMeV() changed to ptMinToTopoMeV()
    • TODO next:
      • addition of HLT streamers with jJ items, but I get errors in HLT seeding of EB chains. For now commented out. To be fixed in a follow up MR
      • To be fixed in next MR when jLJ jets are added. This should retrieve the jLJ threshold!
    auto & thr_jJ = l1Menu->thrExtraInfo().jJ();
    unsigned int minEtThreshold = thr_jJ.ptMinToTopoLargeMeV()/jFEXETResolution;
  • Other configurations and checks:
    • checkBoardInputs: check for multiplicity and decision L1Topo algorithms to make sure the inputs/thresholds are among those available in the L1Topo board/fpga the algorithms are assigned to
    • check that number of output bits of triggerline in multiplicity l1topo board matches with number of output bits of multiplicity algorithm
    • resolution of all thresholds in jFEX set to 200 MeV
    • addition of access methods thrValue100MeV and thrValues100MeV to be used by L1Topo to set the Et thresholds in the multiplicity algorithms. The access methods previously used thrValueCounts and thrValuesCounts are going now to return the thresholds in units of resolutionMeV set for each FEX board

L1Topo algorithms:

  • further work in updating the phase1 topo selection algo definitions, although some algorithms still use legacy inputs
  • for L1Topo multiplicity algorithms: new class names (EMMultiplicity, eTauMultiplicity, jTauMultiplicity, cTauMultiplicity, jJetMultiplicity). These need to be now set in the L1Topo simulation (@asonay , @jodamp )
  • need to add check and throw error in case of unsupported Multiplicity class!

Tagging @stelzer, @jodamp , @asonay , @rgugel

Edited by Daniele Zanzi

Merge request reports
