WIP: fixing the group labels in some T&P chains
- add the SingleEelctronGroup to the new HLT_e26 T&P chains
- MuonTauGroup->SingleMuonGroup in the Mu-Tau T&P chains
- add the TagAndProbeGroup in the Muon T&P chains that don’t include it yet
- for:
ChainProp(name='HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_tau100_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_03dRAB_L1MU20', l1SeedThresholds=['MU20','TAU60'], stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=TauJetGroup),
ChainProp(name='HLT_e26_lhtight_ivarloose_tau100_mediumRNN_tracktwoLLP_03dRAB_L1EM22VHI', l1SeedThresholds=['EM22VHI','TAU60'], stream=[PhysicsStream], groups=TauJetGroup), should I add the TagAndProbeLegGroup ?
Edited by Gianantonio Pezzullo