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Replace ttbar MC sample for trigger ART and CI to latest one (ATR-23703)

Yasuyuki Okumura requested to merge (removed):master_ATR_23703 into master

Dear all,

This MR is in order to replace ttbar MC sample for trigger ART and CI tests. The new RDO files have been prepared with 22.0.41, using the latest conditions tag and pileup configuration. Also, the LAr SuperCell reconstruction is available so that they can be used in the Run3 L1 Calo simulation tests in the future as discussed in ATR-23703.

This is changing the default ttbar MC sample and is expected to change the trigger counts for MC-based ART and CI tests. Given that this MR conflicts with any other MR labelled changs-trigger-counts, once the CI tests pass successfully, could you please merge it as soon as possible before the other trigger MRs?

Thanks a lot and best regards, Yasu and Victoria

tagging: @rbielski and @tbuanes

Edited by Yasuyuki Okumura

Merge request reports
