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Draft: Adding HGTD reco algorithm

The algorithm calls the IHGTD_TrackTimeExtensionTool on each TrackParticle and decorates the track. The decoration action itself could be outsourced into a dedicated tool, but not sure if this is necessary.

Also tracks out of acceptance are currently decorated, since it was pointed out in the past that decorating only parts of the objects in a container can lead to issues. If this is not/no longer true, this part can be removed of course.

A postinclude configuring the used tools and adding the algorithm to the topSequence is included, but needs some updates since the decorated trackparticles are written to a separate ESD stream now, and should be included in the main stream.

Tagging @cohm @dshope @sch @wyswys @vraskina for info as well as @ncalace @nstyles @tadej. Would be happy about feedback and some pointers regarding the persistification of the decorators.

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