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WIP: Incorporating PROBE-leg mechanism in Photon slice for TLA stream

Marco Montella requested to merge mmontell/athena:TLA-align-update into master

This WIP Merge Request tracks the extension of the probe-leg infrastructure to the photon signature code as a means to achieve the stated goals of dataset generality for a TLA stream acting on EventView-based objects.

The idea behind using a secondary chain with a probe leg in addition to the baseline TLA chain is outlined in some detail in ATR-19317, specifically in PostByTim and PostByMarco.

Tagging: @doglioni , @fpastore , @tamartin , @rbielski

Current Status:

Naive extension of probe capabilities to the photon signature included in PhotonChainConfiguration, FastPhotonMenuSequences, PrecisionPhotonMenuSequences, TLAPhotonMenuSequences.

Non-TLA chains with probe legs have been tested, such as:

HLT_e26_lhtight_ivarloose_e12_lhvloose_probe_L1EM22VHI  -- already in menu
HLT_e15_loose_e5_loose_probe_L1EM3 -- created for the occasion

0 counts are observed in each case.

TLA-chains with the probe legs encounter the following runtime error relating to the initial instantiation of the reconstruction sequence in TLAPhotonSequence (Link):

 File "/scratch/mmontell/build_double/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/", line 19, in TLAPhotonSequence
    recoSeq = seqAND("PhotonTLASeq_"+photonsIn,  [])
  File "/cvmfs/", line 28, in seqAND
    seq.ModeOR = False
  File "/cvmfs/", line 134, in __set__
    raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: can not change property "ModeOR" of locked configurable "PhotonTLASeq_HLT_egamma_Photons"
Edited by Marco Montella

Merge request reports