Update most projects to LCG101 and newer tdaq/tdaq-common
- Update the following projects to LCG101: Athena, AthDataQuality, AthGeneration, AthSimulation, DetCommon, VP1Light
- Update Athena, AthDataQuality, DetCommon to TDAQ-COMMON 04-04-00 + TDAQ_VERSION 09-04-00
- AthAnalysis and AnalysisBase will be updated in a separate later MR
Merge request reports
added full-build full-unit-tests labels
added Build master review-pending-level-1 labels
removed review-pending-level-1 label
CI Result FAILURE (hash bd5e365f)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase AthAnalysis DetCommon externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
DetCommon: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 39254]added 1 commit
- 82a90cfc - Add ATLAS_COOL_TAG and ATLAS_CORAL_TAG settings in build_externals.sh script...
added review-pending-level-1 label
- Resolved by Johannes Elmsheuser
CI Result FAILURE (hash 82a90cfc)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase AthAnalysis DetCommon externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
DetCommon: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 39377]
- Resolved by Johannes Elmsheuser
- Resolved by Johannes Elmsheuser
@akraszna, should we add to the relevant
the following line to ignore the boost warnings ?ATLAS_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS=(-DBoost_NO_WARN_NEW_VERSIONS=TRUE)
removed review-pending-level-1 label