add streamers for L1EX/JX in Cosmic and PhysicsP1 menu (CalibSlice) -> as LArPEBCalib (temporarily! should be LArPEB, investigations ongoing)
add LArPEB to EDM
update references
MBTS triggers:
add MBTS_A/C items to L1 menu
add streamers to PhysicsP1 menu
move all HLT_noalg_MBTS* chains to MinBias stream
update references
add streamers with and without LArPEB output for L1_J400_LAR and L1_LAR-ZEE-eEM to PhysicsP1 menu
fully add L1_BGRP7 in L1 menu
clean up L1_RD0_BGRPX items in L1 menu (clear naming convention + remove duplications)
add add LArPEB with LATOME-only configuration
add LArPEBDigitalTrigger stream
add streamers with and without LArPEBDigitalTriggerLATOMEPEB output for FILLED, FIRSTEMPTY, EMPTY, and BGRP7 to PhysicsP1 menu
update references
@lily, I've moved all LArPEB chains from the LS2_v1 menu to the PhysicsP1 menu; they are now in both, the PhysicsP1 and the Cosmic menu (sorry this was a mistake). Could you please confirm if you are happy with that?