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JETM12 6GeV tracks and low Pt Muons

Christopher Young requested to merge cyoung/athena:21.2-JETM12-novUpdate into 21.2

The physics goals are two fold; reduce the track pT cut for E/p to 6 GeV to see if we can go lower in pT, and reduce the muon pT cut from 70 GeV to 40 GeV to see if we can measure photon radiation off muons in hadronic calorimeters.

The size of JETM12 is currently very low. For example comparing the last p-tag to AOD we see 3.3% for ttbar and 0.26% for 2018 data...
410470 ttbar
r10724 full AOD - 135Tb
r10724_p4258 4.52Tb
ratio 3.3%

data18 362204
JETM12 30.383 GB
AOD 11.772 TB
ratio 0.26%

Testing the changes on a file from the ttbar MC sample we see a small increase in size;
410470 ttbar
p4258 test AOD; 57.202 kb per event 860/2000 events
p4838 test AOD; 58.137 kb per event 860/2000 events
NEW test AOD; 59.867 kb per event 906/2000 events

Cheers, Chris.

Edited by Christopher Young

Merge request reports
