Updates to BPHY7 derivation
This MR makes a small number of changes to the BPHY7 derivation:
- Replacing DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss.JetCommon with DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss.ExtendedJetCommon to utilise derivation framework decorations for event-cleaning & jet-cleaning.
- Adding HLT_mu11_2mu4noL1_bNocut_L1MU11_2MU6 to triggerList for AOD-level trigger counting.
- Adding some missing decorations to jet collection (e.g. JVT, JVFcorr).
Tagging relevant analysers (@gwilliam @jkretz @cmcpartl @ychow) and BLS derivation contacts (@abarton @wwalko)
Edited by Nils Erik Krumnack