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AthenaPoolCnvSvc+OutputStreamAthenaPool+RecExCommon: Adjust ROOT storage settings for the primary AOD and some DAODs (PHYS, PHYSLITE)

This MR updates some of the ROOT storage settings for the primary AODs as well as DAOD_PHYS and DAOD_PHYSLITE formats. The main goal is to decrease the memory usage of AODtoDAOD jobs producing primarily DAOD_PHYS. There are three main changes:

  1. A maximum basket buffer size of 128k and minimum buffer entries of 10 are adopted for the primary AODs,
  2. The DAOD_PHYS AutoFlush is halved from 1000 events to 500 events,
  3. The DAOD_PHYSLITE AutoFlush is explicitly set to 1000 events (previously using memory based 20 MB).

The first two combined significantly reduces the memory footprint of AODtoDAOD jobs producing DAOD_PHYS, e.g.


Here the PSS/core usage (in 8 core AthenaMP) is shown for the current default (red), the projection after this MR (blue), and the legacy SharedWriter (i.e. Run-2 configuration, green).

The first change needs to be adopted when producing the inputs while the latter two would take immediate effect in the derivation jobs once this MR is accepted. The last change is primarily for aligning things for the DAOD_PHYSLITE format w/ the DAOD_PHYS but a proper optimization will be worked on.

This MR also includes a few updates on the new-style job configuration to mimic what was done for the old-style in !46580 (merged).

cc: @gemmeren @jcatmore @elmsheus

Merge request reports
