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AFP simulation + reconstruction

Leszek Adamczyk requested to merge ladamczy/athena2:ForwTr21 into 21.0

This is quite large MR which includes: Full AFP (ToF + SiD) GEANT4 simulation Reconstruction of AFP ToFTracks (including creation of dedicated class in xAODForward Improvements in reconstruction of AFP SiD tracks. We can split it in few smaller if really required

GEANT4 time of flight (ToF) detector simulation was rebuild and tuned to final design. This includes many changes in AFP_G4_SD, AFP_Geometry, AFP_GeoModel and AFP_Digitization

ToF reconstruction was added in AFP_Reconstruction/AFP_LocReco and AFP_Reconstruction/AFP_LocRecoInterfaces

Achieved performances are discussed shortly here:

Transformation of silicon tracker (SiD) information from local coordinate system to global coordinate system was moved to the cluster level. It required changes is AFP_Reconstruction/AFP_SiClusterTools and AFP_Reconstruction/AFP_GlobalRecoTools

To store ToF information objects new class AFPToFTrack and relevant container were added to Event/xAOD/xAODForward Event/xAOD/xAODForwardAthenaPool

AFP reconstruction was switched ON in ForwardRec/share/

Description of the Forward region was updated from Run 1 setup to Run 2 (adding ALFA and AFP in proper position) ForwardSimulation/ForwardRegionGeoModel/share/LSS1Lout.csv and LSS1Rout.csv

Name of the ToF hit container was adjusted in Simulation/Digitization/python/

Change the name of beam pipe volume where fast simulation takes over GEANT4 transport of forward protons BeamPipe::SectionF46 --> BeamPipe::SectionF197 . It is again an update from run 1 to run 2 scheme.

Warning message in Simulation/G4Utilities/Geo2G4/src/Geo2G4Builder.cxx about Unable to find volume in optical map was correct to proper side of the surface

Edited by Leszek Adamczyk

Merge request reports
