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Adding tool for attaching BTag information to HLT TLA jets from previous hypo decisions (ATR-23002)


Purpose 1.

Add TrigBtagTLATool tool and run it in TrigJetTLAHypoAlg. The tool is used to match and attach btagging information found in previous decisions to TLA jets, and record to a new HLT container. The tool's main function is

record_btag(const xAOD::TrigCompositeContainer* previousDecisions, const xAOD::JetContainer& jets_to_btag, const EventContext& ctx)

so taking as input all previous decisions, and an xAOD jet container.

The tool itself creates the new HLT TLA BTagging container. The match is a one-way link: btag->jet; the jet container is unmodified.

Purpose 2.

Rename TLA jet output containers constructed from jet input container name.


  • TrigBtagTLATool: New tool in TrigJetHypo package.
  • TrigJetTLAHypoAlg: This runs tool. Modifications to get rid of duplicate jets from decisions when running TLA jets + b-jets chains in parallel.
  • TriggerMenuMT/TLABuildingSequences and JetTLASequence: To add JetTLASequence also for signature "Bjet", to schedule TrigBtagTLATool.
  • TriggerEDMRun3: New TLA BTagging containers added, HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_subresjesgscIS_ftf_TLA_BTagging, TLA pflow jet container updated to HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_subresjesgscIS_ftf_TLA.
  • LS_v1: Added btag TLA chains.


run_HLTStandalone with debug printout. check of RDO output file for recorded container + size. CI tests.

Related to ATR-24393

Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports
