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jFEX MET and SumET EDM update

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:EDM_update_v2 into master

This MR is meant to harmonise the jFEX MET and SumEt in the same way as the other jFEX EDMs (such as jTau, jJ and jLJ).

  • Some variables have been removed
  • Some functions have been renamed or removed
  • The variables now saved in the Aux container are filled correctly
  • Additionally I added two more variables in the MET EDM
    • Ex() and Ey() where they return the Et in 1 MeV scale
  • Also I added two more variables in the SumEt EDM
    • Et_lower() and Et_upper() where they return the Et_lower/upper in 1 MeV scale

Since the L1Topo is already using our MET EDM, I needed to modify also their variables.

Edited by Sergi Rodriguez Bosca

Merge request reports
