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Add more jet information to IDTIDE

Gabriel Facini requested to merge gfacini/athena:master-IDTIDEJet into master

IDTIDE only has EMTopo R=0.4 jets. This adds LCTopo and EMPFlow jets (R=0.4) also. Investigations of the IDTIDE content started from

It is technically not straightforward to build and add large-R jets since this derivation runs from RAW/RDOs and not from AODs. While in discussion with JetETMiss on how to do this, we decided to save Flow objects instead. Building jets can be done for Run 3 with the new transforms.

LargeD0 Tracks included.

CC @goetz @mbasso @srettie @kbehr @goblirsc @vcairo and @sroe for further IDSW input.

Edited by Gabriel Facini

Merge request reports
