idcalib trigger implementation (ATR-17329)
Implementation of "IDCalib" trigger chain - calibration triggers for ID detector alignment.
- Add a new directory(/package), TrigTrackHypo, under Trigger/TriggerHypothesis
- Under TrigTrackHypo, IDCalibHypoAlg and IDCalibHypoTool are added
- Define "IDCalib" trigger sequence in the menu (in CalibCosmicMon), as well as adding a new EDM (RoI).
- The trigger is PEB, collecting ID detector data around the RoIs identified with the hypo
- The hypo selection currently implemented is just with pT (to be optimized - QT by Sean)
- Three chains are added in LS2_v1: HLT_idcalib_trk9_IDCalibPEB_L1XE50, _L1J100, _L14J15
- trk9 - 9 GeV cut
- IDCalibPEB - to specify the chain is PEB (for IDCalib)
Edited by Kunihiro Nagano