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New SUSY20 derivation format for displaced track analysis

Michael Holzbock requested to merge miholzbo/athena:SUSY20-displacedTrack into 21.2


This MR contains the addition of a new derivation format SUSY20 to the DerivationFrameworkSUSY. The estimated event sizes in data are: 3% of events kept, 36.4 kb/event, 0.7% file size w.r.t the AOD. ART Tests for the new format should be already defined.

The MR includes a tiny addition to the EventCleaningTool to restrict its application to e.g. the leading jet only. This doesn't affect the default behavior and shouldn't impact any existing code. I'll tag the JetETmiss conveners @mswiatlo and @camacho.

I've flagged this MR as urgent to allow building a new Derivation cache before the winter break, as discussed with @calpigia and @boeriu.

Finally tagging @isiral as second SUSY derivation contact.

Let me know if any information is missing or adjustments are required, I'll follow up on them as soon as possible.



Interested analysis parties: @jshahini, @silu ,@ymino , @tlari , @amurrone , @eballabe.

Merge request reports
