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RecExConfig: Support eventless inputs in autoconfig Fix ATLASRECTS-6708

Streams that do not contain events generate empty EventStreamInfo. If all input files are event-less the metadata peeking returns empty event summaries for the input streams. Autoconfiguration will fail because configuration parameters are dependent on whether events are data or simulation, the name of the input stream, and the input run number. All these would be read from the input EventStreamInfo. These three issues were addressed by adopting three fallbacks:

  1. Data vs Simulation: examine the metadata catalog content: simulation parameters, for example, are only available for simulation. Run parameters (ByteStreamMetadata) are only available for data.
  2. Input stream name: looked up from the xAOD::FileMetaData
  3. Run number: fall back to the RecExConfig default

These decisions were made because they were simple and produced a working configuration. A proper fix would be to make this configuration information available in event-less files (on my to-do list for next year).

Tag: @gemmeren @tsulaia @rmazini @mhodgkin @amete @akraszna

Edited by Frank Berghaus

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